She's Arrived



Checking in! You want to feel and look like the bride upon arrival. After all, you never know who you’ll see in the lobby - Hey Uncle Ned! You also want to dress according to your accommodations and venue. Personally, I like to make my arrivals feel like a business trip: a dressy shoe and a blazer go a long way. After hanging up my things, I took this transitional day to night look straight to the bar for a tini. My pink blazer said it all - Beverly Hills, baby! And our hotel was flourished with the most beautiful pink flowers. This is the one day where nothing is scheduled, but you’re on your feet all day getting organized, revising the guest list, and checking your closet for the 5th time to make sure the gang’s all here cause Lordy knows you don’t want to forget anything. Chill, sophisticated and ready to greet my friends and family!


your hotel arrival look